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Maine FBLA is a Non-Profit 501(c)(3) and we rely heaviley on sponsorships and donation's from local businesses and people. And now more than ever, we count on that support. Since school budgets have been shrinking, it has become harder for students to be apart of this priceless opportunity. We ask for help from businesses so we can continue to create great leaders that will better our community.
We have multiple ways to give, from simply donating any cash amount, to sponsoring competitive events, workshops, and so much more. Please contact Angela Roy to do so. It is an easy thing to do that helps to support our students. All donors and sponsors will get special recognition from Maine FBLA and our students.
Thank you so much to all of our sponsors for this amazing opportunity to learn and grow
2023-24 Sponsors
Below is a list of 2023-2024 sponsors and donors. We sincerely appreciate the generosity of these amazing businesses. Thank you!
Titanium Sponsors
cives steel.jpeg
Diamond Sponsors
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Gold Sponsors
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Ouellette Associates.jpg
saco & biddeford savings.png
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Silver Sponsors
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Bronze Sponsors
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